IBM Think 2020

Digital Activations

Architecting the pivot to digital-first.



In March 2020, IBM Think was a mere two months away as the world went into lockdown. Rather than cancel their marquee event, IBM rapidly shifted to an entirely virtual event. A core part of IBM’s global events are activations, which capture the essence of an IBM solution and help attendees understand complex technologies and their potential impact on their business.

As their digital sister agency, our partners at GPJ called us up to ask: how can we take in development or existing activations and launch supporting virtual activations? In two days, we crafted a response deck defining their strategy as digital-first activations to heighten agency, evoke emotional responses, and reward exploration, all while ensuring users found the most relevant content to their needs with minimal friction.

Over the next few months, we co-developed a more detailed strategy to meet their evolving needs, including advancing lead qualification and crafting a client-facing analytics dashboard to support the ongoing program. As we slowly return to in-person events, several activations are finding new physical forms to activate with event attendees.

Selected Links: Sounds of Security | IBM Quantum

Agency: George P. Johnson

Digital Agency: Spinifex Group


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