Elton John Farewell Tour

Augmented Reality Stunt at Kings Cross Station

Generating buzz for a big announcement


To drum up excitement before Elton’s final tour announcement, we launched an AR Stunt in King’s Cross Station in London, a Time Machine to capture an iconic Elton John performance for commuters and travellers.

A player piano played Your Song for busy commuters in the iconic entry hall of the station. Special viewing plinths provided a peek into the past, showing young Elton playing the piano from his iconic Troubadour show, with lyrics swirling around him. Guests could pop in next to Elton to snap a photo or video, and were given branded Google Cardboards to view the VR press announcement the following day.

Links: CNET | Twitter Moment

Client: Rocket Entertainment

Agency: Spinifex Group

Role: Senior Interactive Producer


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